Past State Officer Teams

L-R: Gabrielle Rebelein (Reporter, Sioux Valley), Dustin Kolb (Vice President, Belle Fourche), Raesa Zelinsky (Secretary, Brookings), Alyssa Feather (President, Wilmot), Gretta Larson (Treasurer, Lake Preston), Emily Robbins (Sentinel, Elkton)

Back row L:R- Alexis Hughes (Reporter) (Rapid City),Trinity Peterson (Sentinel) (Willow Lake), Paige Lehrkamp (Treasurer) (Rapid City), & John Petersen (Vice President) (Sturgis). Front row L:R- Hadley Stiefvater (Secretary) (McCook Central) & Tessa Erdmann (President) (Groton).

Back row L:R- Ryder Mortenson (Sentinel) (Winner), Hunter Eide (Secretary) (Gettysburg), & Dirby Bowek (Reporter) (Doland). Front row L:R- Jackson McFaden (Vice President) (Milbank), Samantha Olson (President) (Northwestern Area), & Elizabeth DeBoer (Treasurer) (Deuel).

L:R- Sadie Vander Wal (Reporter) (Northwestern Area) Nathan Linke (Treasurer) (Sanborn Central/Woonsocket) Tori Rasmussen (Secretary) (Alcestor-Hudson) Samantha Wiseman (Sentinel) (Tri-Valley) Shelby Ruland (President) (Wall) Blake Pulse (Vice President) (McCook Central)

L:R- Sarah Kroeger (Vice President) (Lennox) Grady Gullickson (Treasurer) (Flandreau) Colton Riley (President) (Rapid City) Marie Robbins (Secretary) (Elkton) TJ Bigge (Sentinel) (Parkston) Carolyn Blatchford (Reporter) (Brookings)

Back row L:R- Avery Gilchrist (Reporter) (Winner) Clayton Sorum (Vice President) (Canton) Dalton Larson (President) (West Central) Front row L:R- Elle Moon (Sentinel) (Wall) Aaron Linke (Treasurer) (Sanborn Central/Woonsocket) April Hamilton (Secretary) (Hitchcock-Tulare)

Left to Right: Logan Hoffman (Secretary) (Bridgewater/Emery) Alison Simon (President) (Gettysburg) Kaitlyn Schmeichel (Vice President) (West Central) Sydnie Peters (Sentinel) (Winner) Jaclynn Knutson (Reporter) (Viborg/Hurley) Andrew Streff (Treasurer) (McCook Central)

Back Row: Jonathan Linke (Treasurer) (Sanborn Central / Wooksocket) Shane Mueller (Sentinel) (Garretson) Front Row: Andrea Schubloom (Reporter) (De Smet) Jordanne Howe (President) (Redfield) Jeanette Klein (Secretary) (Deubrook) Kiera Leddy (Vice President) (Milbank)

Back Row: Nicole Hamilton (Treasurer) (Hitchcock/Tulare) Jennifer Emery (Reporter) (Wall) Andrea Collins (Sentinel) (Sturgis) Front Row: Ellie Minihan (Secretary) (Brandon) Kaden Eisenbraun (Vice President) (Wall) Taylin Albrecht (President) (Howard)

Back Row: Brady Duxbury (President) (Wessington Springs) Trent Thompson (Sentinel) (Harrisburg) Middle Row: Caitlin Johnson (Vice President) (Arlington) Jacob Englin (Secretary) (Deubrook) Front Row: Chelsey Abler (Reporter) (Hoven) Rebecca Naasz (Treasurer) (Platte / Geddes)

Back Row: Shad Christman (Vice President) (Lemmon) Wyatt DeJong (Secretary) (Winner) Shane Gross (Treasurer) (Hitchcock Tulare) Front Row Maria Skoglund (Sentinel) (McCook Central) Brian Gottlob (President) (McCook Central) Josh Johnson (Reporter) (Harrisburg)

Back Row: Matt Dybedahl (Treasurer) (Tri-Valley) Noelle Rist (Sentinel) (West Central) Lauren Fosheim (Reporter) (Webster) Front Row: Erin Kennedy (Vice President) (Beresford) Sara Berg (Secretary) (Baltic) Brett Monson (President) (Webster)

Back Row: Ashley Knock (Treasurer) (Willow Lake) Dani Herring (Sentinel) (Newell) Kyli Zenk (Secretary) (Webster) Front Row: Laurie Zubke (Vice President) (Watertown) Matt Tollefson (President) (Clark) Melanie Koehlmoos (Reporter) (De Smet)

Left to Right: Megan Whitney (Sentinel) (Harrisburg) Cody Chambliss (Treasurer) (Highmore) Michelle Osterman (Secretary) (Conde) Molly Fendrich (Reporter) (Salem) Travis Lape (President) (Marion) Holly Marshall (Vice President) (Redfield)

Back Row: Jason Frerichs (Vice President) (Wilmont) Becky Lambert (President) (Frankfort) Nick Fosheim (Treasurer) (Webster) Front Row: Alex Welk (Sentinel) (Florence) Etta Ablo (Reporter) (Whitewood) Crissa Zenk (Secretary) (Webster)

Back Row: Chelsea Budde (Reporter) (Harrisburg) Arne Harstad (Vice President) (Revillo) Front Row: Jesse Larson (Treasurer) (De Smet) Crystal Nielson (Secretary) (Woonsocket) Shane Deranleau (Sentinel) (Newell) Jessie Geib (President) (De Smet)

Back Row: Mary Kurtz (Sentinel) (Elkton) Ryan Brunner (Treasurer) (Newell) Jared Knock (Vice President) (Willow Lake) Kelly O’Donnell (Secretary) (Lemmon) Front Row: Jamie Swan (President) (Newell) Sarah Stratmeyer (Reporter) (Lennox Sundstrom)

Back Row: Micah Hansen (President) (Philip) Brad Bies (Sentinel) (Salem) Kim Franken (Secretary) (Chester) Front Row: Jack Anderson (Vice President) (Lemmon) Josh Hehn (Treasurer) (Rapid City) Lavyne Wieting (Reporter) (Milbank)

Back Row: Brian Cooper (Vice President) (Garretson) Clay Edwards (President) (Letcher) Zach Rada (Sentinel) (Scotland) Elliot Jensen (Treasurer) (Nisland) Front Row: Andrea Klein (Secretary) (Flandreau) Sarah Anderson (Reporter) (Colton)